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Florida’s Pogy Coast

From Ponce to St. Mary’s Inlets, pogy migrations along the beaches and inlet mouths attracting a variety of pelagic saltwater species, where near shore fishing is simply awesome. Fishermen are frequently asked, “If you had one lure to fish with and for a variety of saltwater game fish, what lure would you choose?” More than…
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Summer Fishing at Amelia

Big news for summer fishermen includes the all new “Fernandina Beach Fishing Rodeo” presented by the Nassau Sports Fishing Association. Formerly called the “Nassau Sports Fishing Association Tournament of Champions” the event also has new dates and a complete new format. The event has been moved from the first weekend of June to August 5-7,…
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Spring Fishing at Amelia

March 20th is the first day of spring and also signals the beginning of Amelia Island’s trolling season for a wide variety of pelagic species of saltwater game fish. Traditional spring winds typically blow from the southeast, pushing those welcome warm water edges over near shore fish havens. With the warming water trends, baitfish schools…
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Fall Fishing at Amelia

For local salt and freshwater fishermen, the fall fishing season is often a favorite time of year while enjoying ideal weather conditions and the best fishing action of the year. Two factors are responsible for the excellent fall fishing action, include major shrimp and mullet migrations teamed with cooling water temperatures that all contribute to…
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